March 26, 2025
"And the rest fits together perfectly, too, because you can tell the band isn't pretending, and you can feel that the tracks are part of Whisky Ritual's DNA.
Thus, the perfect record for a good night's sleep or the drive home after a crappy day at work."
Thanks for the great review of STILL SCUM go out to Hell-is-open.de!!
More Punk than Punks, as they used to say! Get your MCD or 10" VINYL right here:
Listen to the full EP at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vro5613DowY
Don't forget to read the full review (in German) at: https://www.hell-is-open.de/info/cd-review.php?cd_id=1642

March 25, 2025
New arrivals at the Folter Records online shop to complete your collection!
NAXEN (Ger) - Descending into a Deeper Darkness, CD
SILVERN (Ukr) - Stardust Sermons, CD
ULTHA (Ger) - Pain Cleanses Every Doubt, CD
SUN WORSHIP (Ger) - Elder Giants, DigiCD

March 24, 2025
Pestkraft is going to play three shows with Zemial Official and Hell Militia on November 6th, 7th and 8th!!
Check out the picture to see the exact locations and find the best for you!
Join the cult of the dead and get yourself a copy of Pestkraft's latest album, ANCESTRAL SOUNDS, here:

March 23, 2025
"The Ruins Inside Of Me" by Mellom has gotten a nice visualizer video and you can watch it on our Youtube channel, now! Just follow this link: https://youtu.be/dGPZs-s4qOA
"The track delves into themes of loss, decay, and inner struggle. The band chose this track as the album opener, because it perfectly blends Black and Death metal, with an atmospheric middle section that adds depth. It encapsulates and introduces all the elements that define Mellom."
Get your full album experience, THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, on DigiCD and VINYL right here:

March 22, 2025
"The band remains true to its roots, but turns its back on new musical paths and indulges its love of the extreme. The album represents 20 years of VIOLENTOR - you either love it or hate it and out yourself as a poser."
...and we don't think the Violentor-guys would want it any other way! Thanks for the review of BURN IN METAL, AMMO supports the underground!
Get your very own raw Speed Metal assault today! Order here: https://folter666shop.de/VIOLENTOR-Ita-Burn-In.../SW10009
Listen to the complete BURN IN METAL-album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chZ0uRiOEEA
And don't forget to read the full review (in German) here:

March 21, 2025
"The Necrorock hit machine returns with DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING, easily their best record to date, a killer slab of Dutch Black Metal."
Thanks for the review of Grafjammer's brand new full-length go out to VM-Underground Fanzine!
Like fiendish vocals and the groove and rockin’ vibe of both Carpathian Forest and Darkthrone? Order your DigiCD and VINYL right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Grafjammer
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqdX0T_HiaU
Read the full review directly at: https://www.vm-underground.com/.../grafjammer-de-tyfus.../

March 20, 2025
STILL SCUM by the Italian Black Metal Ultras of Whiskey Ritual has been released today!
Get six roar-along anthems from the gutter - punky cover versions to freak out to, bursting with destructive energy and diabolically blackened! Order your copy on DigiMCD and VINYL right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Whiskey+Ritual
Listen to the full EP at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/Vro5613DowY
Here's what you get:
1. Borstal Breakout (original by Sham69)
2. Real Wild Child (original by Iggy Pop)
3. We're Coming Back (original by Cock Sparrer)
4. Get Off My Back (original by The Casualties)
5. Mongoloid (original by Devo)
6. Who Will Save Rock And Roll? (original by The Dictators)

March 19, 2025
The Italian Black Metal Ultras of Whiskey Ritual are back with six roar-along anthems from the gutter. Six punky cover versions to freak out to, bursting with destructive energy and diabolically blackened - all that remains are shards and blood. TODAY, you can listen to the full ep STILL SCUM at the Folter Records-Youtube channel:
STILL SCUM is gonna be released tomorrow! Get your copy on DigiMCD and VINYL right here:

March 18, 2025
The Committee - band is coming to crush the utopian deception at Exit Festival in Petrovaradin Fortress, Novi Sad, Serbia on 10-13th of July!
For tickets and more info, check out the official FB-event here:https://fb.me/e/2j7EKW4pn
To get your hands on the latest The Committee records, head over to the Folter Records online shop:

March 17, 2025
Here are some of the new VINYL arrivals at the Folter Records shop!!
LVTHN (Bel) / HÄXENZIJRKELL (Ger) - SplitLP (10'')
CRUCIAMENTUM (UK) - Convocation of Crawling Chaos, 10" (Clear)
ABRUPTUM (Swe) - Maledictum, 10" EP
MYTHOS (Fin) - Moulded In Clay, 10"

March 16, 2025
"With this nine-part epic, Mellom quickly puts itself in a leading position for the Black Metal crown of the first quarter and makes a big statement. If you like it dark, evil and frosty, you've come to exactly the right place!"
Thanks for this amazing review of THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM and the score of 8.5/10 go out to POWERMETAL.de!
Get yourself a copy on DigiCD or VINYL of A first highlight in the Black Metal year 2025! Order directly at:
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUjZfUO0_O8
Don't forget to read the full review at: https://powermetal.de/.../The_Empire_Of_Gloom,43662,43446...

March 15, 2025
B!tches and Bästärds! New Darkmoon Warrior shirts have arrived and are ready to be shipped!
Keep the flame of Black Metal blazing - authentically and get your shirts here:
Listen to GRAVEYARD PLANET, the latest release by Darkmoon Warrior at the Black Metal Promotion Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuWjfzPTeEo

March 14, 2025
"Namely, black metal with strong punk undertone. At least in some tracks. All of them are completely drenched in original second wave black metal of Norwegian kind. [...] Grafjammer utilized the tools and measurements of genre’s originators and put together a record that will not disappoint."
Thanks for the review of DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING go out to Abaddon Magazine!
Wanna get an album, brutally cold and atmospheric in its primordial wrath of unforgiving landscape with a decent pinch of Punk? Get DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=grafjammer
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel:
Don't forget to read the full review at https://www.abaddon-magazine.com/.../review-grafjammer.../

March 13, 2025
The release of STILL SCUM, the upcoming EP by Whiskey Ritual draws near!
Expect six punky cover versions to freak out to, bursting with destructive energy and diabolically blackened - all that remains are shards and blood. But for now, enjoy the great sound and visuals of the Iggy Pop-cover "Real Wild Child"!
Get your VINYL and DigiMCD of STILL SCUM right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=still+scum
Watch the Real Wild Child-video directly at the Folter Records-Youtube channel:

March 12, 2025
"After an almost sacred intro, [...] what is offered is a rather rough, thrashy black metal that is somewhere between Norway in the early 90s and the first wave Black Metal of the 80s. The clanging guitars between Darkthrone and Mayhem and the harsh vocals, which also shout "Norway 1992", really get me!"
Thanks for the review of CHAOS EMPIRE SATAN by Amystery go out to POWERMETAL.de!!
Start your own journey into chaos magic and order your CD and VINYL here:
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:
Don't forget to read the full review (in German) directly at https://www.powermetal.de/.../Chaos_Empire_Satan,43800.html

March 11, 2025
Grafjammer is coming to Valhalla Metal Pub Köln with SKUM and Lebensstille on 1st of November 2025!
For tickets and more info check out the official fb-event right here: https://fb.me/e/5eLZJKFNQ
Prepare for a wild evening and get your Dutch Necrorock on DigiCD and VINYL here:
Listen to the full album DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING on the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

March 10, 2025
"The black/death metal duo Mellom delivers a successful debut with their album THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, which impresses above all with catchy melodies and biting vocals."
Great review and a stunning score of 8/10 can be found at AMMO supports the underground webzine. Thank you!
Order your copy of THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM on DigiCD and VINYL right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:
And read the complete review at: https://www.ammo-underground.at/.../mellom-the-empire-of.../

March 9, 2025
CURSE UPON A PRAYER is going to have a busy summer!
After devastating Turku Saatanalle last Friday, there is much more to come. Check out the dates in the picture to join the rituals!
Wanna get your hands on their latest release, THE VVORSHIP : ORTHOPRAX SATANISM on VINYL?
Order your copy right here: https://folter666shop.de/CURSE-UPON-A-PRAYER-Fin.../6434.1
Listen to the full album at the Black Metal Promotion Youtube-channel:

March 8, 2025
"DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING is like the sea: hard and unyielding, but always a little different."
Thanks for that very accurate review of Grafjammer's latest output goes out to Metal Hammer!
Get your Dutch Necrorock right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=grafjammer
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:
Read the full review (in German) at: https://www.metal-hammer.de/.../grafjammer-de-tyfus-de...

March 7, 2025
Here you can see all the tracks from the upcoming ep STILL SCUM by Whiskey Ritual:
BORSTAL BREAKOUT - “Skins, Punks and Metalheads united as Ultras!”
REAL WILD CHILD - “Because we are the last true wild children. And because someone said that music is life and life is not a business.”
WE' RE COMING BACK - “Because one day we will return, and we will be only among people like us.”
GET OFF MY BACK -“For when we were just kids.”
MONGOLOID - “For the bands you listen to recently.”
WHO WILL SAVE ROCK AND ROLL? - “Because ›Who will save Rock'n'Roll?‹”
Get your copy as DigiMC and 10" VINYL right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Whiskey+Ritual
Listen to the Iggy Pop-cover "Real Wild Child" at the Folter Records-Youtube channel:

March 6, 2025
You like it rough around the edges? Nothing nice for a funny spring afternoon but pure violence in the tradition of Venom and Motörhead? Then check out BURN IN METAL by VIOLENTOR!!
To put it in Dog's own words: "We kill posers, spit on the cross, piss on your graves!”
Get your 9 tracks of a fast and dirty mix of punk, thrash, speed and madness right here:
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

March 5, 2025
"All in all, THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM is an impressive album that demonstrates Mellom's mastery of the Black Metal and Death Metal genres. With its intense, atmospheric soundscapes and piercing vocals, this album will surely appeal to fans of bands such as Dark Funeral, Behemoth and Mayhem."
Thanks for the great review and a stunning score of 4.5/5 go out to Metalunderground.at!
Prepare for the inevitable confrontation with loss and death and get your copy on VINYL and CD here:
Listen to THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:
Read the complete review directly at:

March 4, 2025
Some all-time classics arrived at the Folter Records shop, make sure to complete your collection if you're still missing those!
NARGAROTH (Ger) - Amarok, CD
SVARTSYN (Swe) - A Night Created by the Shadows... and the Resuscitation of Unspoken Rituals, CD
URGEHAL (Nor) - Massive Terrestial Strike, DigiCD
NYKTALGIA (Ger) - Nyktalgia, CD

March 3, 2025
"What I really like on the album are the sick, almost vomited vocals by Jorre. I guess he did his very best to sound as sick as possible. And, what I already often stated when it comes to Dutch black metal, this language really fits perfectly to that style of music."
Thanks for the great review of Grafjammer's DE TYFUS DE TEERLING and the brilliant score of 8.5/10 go out to MetalBite!!
Dutch Necrorock that deals with the dark sides of society and Dutch history! Order your copy on VINYL or DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Grafjammer
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel:
Don't forget to read the full review here: https://metalbite.com/.../grafjammer-de-tyfus-de-teerling

March 2, 2025
With CHAOS EMPIRE SATAN, Amystery released a occult piece of German Black Metal, deeply rooted in the theories and power of chaos magic according to Peter James Carroll. It also deals with the ambivalence between the supposed nothingness of earthly life on a cosmic and multidimensional scale and the greatness of one's own personal (multi-)universe with the resulting maximum liberty of creative freedom, effectiveness and influence.
Want to start your own journey? Burn the incense and get your copy on VINYL and CD right here:
Listen to the complete album at the Black Metal Promotion-Youtube channel:

March 1, 2025
Those are the Black Metal Ultras of Whiskey Ritual, who are back with six roar-along anthems from the gutter. Six punky cover versions to freak out to, bursting with destructive energy and diabolically blackened - all that remains are shards and blood. And the Italian black 'n' rollers also have an important message to deliver: Fuck you!
The ep STILL SCUM will be released on March 20th, so preorder your 10" VINYL and DigiMCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Still+Scum
Listen to the Italian's version of "Real Wild Child" by Iggy Pop on our Youtube channel:

Feb. 28, 2025
On 16th of May 2025, Mellom will join Asagraum, KRATER and Argash for FRANCONIA IN BLACK at Sportgelände, Aschaffenburg!
For tickets and more info, head over to the official fb-event: https://fb.me/e/e4E8MlAgB
Missed out on Mellom's brand new debut album THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM? Get your VINYL or DigiCD right here:
Listen to the full album at the Folter Records-Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUjZfUO0_O8

Feb. 27, 2025
In August last year, we released the latest "fuck you all"-assault by Darkmoon Warrior!
Why don't you listen to the raw force of GRAVEYARD PLANET, while we wait for the shippent of those upcoming shirts?!
You can find the full album at the Black Metal Promotion-Youtube channel:
Like what you hear? Get your copy on VINYL or CD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Darkmoon+Warrior

Feb. 26, 2025
"Let everyone get the typhus. I don't give a damn about the opinion of others, this Grafjammer has made it clear with his latest filthy newborn how Dutch Black Metal should sound. Get yourself a physical copy and you can form your own opinion. Grafjammerrrrrrrr!"
Thanks for the detailed review and the great score of 85/100 for DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING go out to Zware Metalen!!
Get your hands on the latest Necrorock creation from Utrecht on DigiCD and VINYL:
Listen to the full DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING-album on the Folter Records-channel:
Check out the complete review (in Dutch) at: https://zwaremetalen.com/.../grafjammer-de-tyfus-de-teerling

Feb. 25, 2025
As you might have seen a few days ago, Halphas is going on tour with Whoredom Rife and Malakhim in November and December. But on 6th of December, there is a special stop at Club From Hell / Erfurt, where Unhallowed will open the evening! So this one might be really standing out!
For tickets and additional info, head over to the official fb-event: https://fb.me/e/5mcC4gw42
Get AWAKEN THE BLACK FLAME, the stunning debut by Unhallowed on VINYL or CD and the We Shall Reap-shirt right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Unhallowed+awaken