Feb. 6, 2025

"The Empire of Gloom", the title track from the upcoming debut album by Frankfurt's Black/Death Metal duo Mellom encapsulates what the band's music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade.

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Directly to the "The Empire of Gloom" single-video by Marcus Bachmann:

Feb. 5, 2025

Want to experience the live assault of VIOLENTOR with their lastest release BURN IN METAL?
Check out the upcoming dates for South America!
06.02 Formosa Argentina
07.02 Asuncion Paraguay

Wanna get your hands on the BURN IN METAL on CD? Order right here:

Feb. 4, 2025

"Was ist meine letzte Aufnahme? GRAVEYARD PLANET ist eine solide Rückkehr für Darkmoon Warrior . Das Album ist nicht hier, um das Rad neu zu erfinden. Es ist hier, um es in Kerosin zu übergießen, es in Brand zu setzen und es durch deinen Hinterhof zu rollen. Es erfindet ihren Klang nicht neu, und versucht es auch nicht. Aber indem sie an ihre Formel festhält, ohne ihre Kanten zu polieren, liefert die Band ein Album, das aggressiv, un entschuldigt und manchmal sogar zum Nachdenken anregt [.... ). "
Danke für die Bewertung, MetalBite !!

Hol dir alle Darkmoon Warrior Platten und Merch gleich hier: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=darkmoon+warrior

Höre dir GRAVEYARD PLANET in seiner vollen Pracht an auf dem Black Metal Promotion Youtube Kanal:

Lesen Sie die vollständige Bewertung gleich hier: https://metalbite.com/.../darkmoon-warrior-graveyard-planet

Feb. 3, 2025

Due to an emergency with her cat Milo, the Blood Art calendars by Lense of Sense got a discount!
If you missed out on this, here's your chance to get your own and support a young artist:

DIN A4 / 14 sheets / printed on 250 g/m² matte high quality paper
All original artworks of the woodcuts were painted with own blood on Kahari paper, 30 g/m².

Feb. 2, 2025

"While exploring broad interest in past and present generations of black metal they’ve found distinction that benefits from classic metalpunk excess as much as it speaks today’s unflinchingly melodic triomphe. Having been a fan of the two previous albums I’d found this record more abrasive and melodic up front but equally representative overall, suggesting that even without so much consideration for a variety of sub-genre tics and inspirations many of these songs stand tall in their own right. A moderately high recommendation."
Thanks for reviewing DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING by Grafjammer go out to Mystification Zine - ex-Grizzly Butts!

Get your Dutch Necrorock dose on DigiCD directly at: http://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus-De.../SW10028

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

And don't forget to read the full review right here:

Feb. 1, 2025

After leaving Rostock in ruins in November, Unhallowed are coming to ORWOhaus Berlin on 14th of March!
Check out the official FB-event for tickets and more info:

Need to catch up on their incredible debut album AWAKEN THE BLACK FLAME? Get your copy right here:

Listen to the full album at the Black Metal Promotion Youtube channel:

Jan. 31, 2025

"The Last Dance" was the first single from Frankfurt’s Black/Death Metal duo Mellom you could listen to on the Folter Records Youtube-channel. Their debut album THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM will be released in only two weeks!

Preorder your DigiCD here: https://folter666shop.de/MELLOM-Ger-The-Empire-Of.../SW10041

Directly to The Last Dance: https://youtu.be/b0ZJBLgcJ9s

Video by Jonas Sommer

Jan. 30, 2025

Here is the line-up of the upcoming album GRUWELIJK ONTHAAL by KÆCK black war metal!!
Seems to be a good year for new records. What do you think?

Make sure to get their last album HET ZWARTE DICTAAT: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Het+zwarte

You can listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

Jan. 29, 2025

"After all, Darkmoon Warrior have always been like this and the conclusive “Sadomajestic Hatefukk”, a quick summary of their way of understanding and playing Black Metal and an excellent epitome of the album, is there to prove it."
Thanks for the great review of GRAVEYARD PLANET go out to Blackmetalistkrieg Webzine!

To get your hands on the Germans' latest album, check out the link below:

Listen to the full album at the Black Metal Promotion-Youtube channel:

Read the full review (in Italian) here:

Jan. 28, 2025

Half of the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES tour of Halphas and Nornír is over, but there are still possibilities to see it! Make sure not to miss out on this one and check out the upcoming dates in the pic!
Today: Musigburg/Aarburg!

Get all your Halphas records and merch directl at the shows or right here:

Jan. 27, 2025

"Grafjammer have released a really strong album right at the start of the year. DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING impresses with its succinct dynamics and is a really raucous and unpolished BM album. I can only give an unreserved buying recommendation for DE TYFUS DE TEERLING!"
Thanks for the great review, Seelenfeuer BM Online Zine!

Get your own copy of the Dutch Necrorocker's brand new album: https://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus.../SW10028

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Read the full review right here: https://seelenfeuer666.wordpress.com/.../rezension.../

Jan. 26, 2025

Last November, we released a true underground gem of Norwegian Black Metal!
Check out the split of Liktjern and Engangshammer on our Youtube channel here:

Order your own copy right now: https://folter666shop.de/LIKTJERN-Nor-ENGANGSHAMMER.../6561

Jan. 25, 2025

As you already heard "The Last Dance" and the title track "The Empire of Gloom" from the upcoming debut by Frankfurt's duo Mellom, you can now take a look at the full tracklist!
You can look forward to 9 tracks of Black/Death Metal, dealing with powerlessness and despair in the face of the inevitable confrontation with loss and death!

The full album is going to be released on February 13th! Preorder your DigiCD right here:

Listen to the "The Last Dance" single:

Listen to the "The Empire of Gloom" single:

Jan. 24, 2025

As some of you noticed, the last upload of the single "The Empire of Gloom" had really flawed audio. To make sure you don't miss out on the full experience, here's the reupload with the full quality:

"This song encapsulates what Mellom’s music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade."

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Video by Marcus Bachmann

Jan. 24, 2025

Yesterday, Halphas and Nornír started their NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES-tour at Soltmann in Leipzig.
Next up: Suhl!
Check out all the dates of the tour to find the one closest to you!

Need Halphas records and merch? Get it at the concerts or directly here:

Jan. 23, 2025

"Extreme, offensive, disturbing, both musically and lyrically, VIOLENTOR are back with their new (and sixth) album, BURN IN METAL [...]
Without compromise. And as already reiterated, extreme and unhealthy."
Thanks for the review go out to Metal It - www.metal.it!!!

Celebrate 20 years in Metal and order the Italian speed metal assault directly:

Read the full review (in Italian) here: https://metal.it/alb.../52184/31755/violentor-burn-in-metal/

Jan. 22, 2025

Tomorrow, the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES with Halphas and Nornír starts at Soltmann in Leipzig!
Check out all the tour stops in the picture to find your ritual!

Fulfill all your needs when it comes to Halphas records and merch:

Jan. 21, 2025

Dutch Necrorockers Grafjammer are coming to spread havok at Diabolical Echoes Pt.III in Arnhem on 10th of May 2025!!
For tickets and more info, head over to the official FB-event: https://fb.me/e/7SFdLGp7k

Get your hands on their incredible fourth album DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING and dive into nine tracks that tell of religious madness, self-deception and destruction! Order right here:

Jan. 20, 2025

New Finnish VINYL arrivals at the Folter Records shop!!


KORGONTHURUS (Fin) - Jumalhaaska, 2GFLP

KORGONTHURUS (Fin) - Kuolleestasyntynyt, LP

Get those and many more records, tickets and merch at folter666shop.de!

Jan. 19, 2025

Today, you can listen to the title track of the debut album, THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, which delves into Mellom's core themes.
Head over to the Folter Records Youtube-channel and enjoy Black-Death-Metal at it's finest:

"This song encapsulates what Mellom’s music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade."

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Video by Marcus Bachmann

Jan. 18, 2025

As you cannot see Darkmoon Warrior at Orwohaus in March, here is another chance!
On 15th of March, the three-headed menace from Eberswalde is coming to Unholy Metal Mayhem Festival 2025 at Helvete Pub - Club - Live Stage in Oberhausen!!
Check out the official FB-event for tickets and more info: https://fb.me/e/7yDxksVCt

Wanna get your hands on GRAVEYARD PLANET and all the other Darkmoon Warrior records and merch?
Head over to https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Darkmoon+Warrior

Jan. 17, 2025

"Pieces that are one dynamite after another, one blow after another, a voice that comes out of hell and that recalls legends like Cronos, Lemmy, Tom Angelripper and so on. An album that will scare away those who expect perfect phrasing and the latest guitars from metal."
Thanks Rock and Blood Zine for reviewing BURN IN METAL by VIOLENTOR!!

Celebrate extreme metal in the vein of the 80-86 years! get your copy directly at

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Don't forget to read the full review here:

Jan. 16, 2025

Only ONE WEEK left, until the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES with Halphas and Nornír starts at Soltmann in Leipzig!
Check out all the tour stops in the picture to find your ritual!

Fulfill all your needs when it comes to Halphas records and merch:

Jan. 15, 2025

"Undeniably Grafjammer, but more theatrical and diverse than ever before. Honestly, who doesn’t want that! The Necrorock hit machine returns with DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING, easily their best record to date, a killer slab of Dutch Black Metal."
Thanks for the review, The Whispering Darkness - Tales from the Underground!!

Like it fast, raw, dirty and intoxicating? Get your DigiCD right here:

Read the full review right here:

Jan. 14, 2025

Drudensang is going to bring the Krampen to Ghosts of dinmin festival 2025 in Demmin!! You can expect a lot, as this one is organized by our friends of Kältetod Legion!

Presale seems to be running quick, so get one of the 250 tickets and more info at the official FB- event: https://fb.me/e/5xprlziKQ

Need all the records and merch of Drudensang? Order right here:

Jan. 13, 2025

Immerse yourself in Mellom's THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain.
The duo from Frankfurt am Main whose atmospheric, darkly melodic compositions combine death metal - sometimes heavy grooving, sometimes fast-paced and driven by powerful drums - with elements of black metal, tragedy and urban melancholy. Everything is crowned by the expressive vocals of singer Skadi, varying between venomous black metal screams and growls.

Check out the first single from THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, "The Last Dance", on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0ZJBLgcJ9s

Like what you hear? Preorder your DigiCD right here:

Jan. 12, 2025

"In short, an album recommended to those who want substance, authenticity, extremism in every sense from metal. If you are looking for all this, go ahead and buy this BURN IN METAL."
Thanks go out to HARDHEAVYCORE webzine for reviewing the brand new album by VIOLENTOR!

To join the celebrations of 20 Years in Metal with the raw assault of the Italian Trio, get your copy right here:

Read the full review (in Italian) directly at https://hardheavycore.blogspot.com/.../violentor-burn-in...

Jan. 11, 2025

Great news for all the Black Metal Ultras out there!

The maniacs of Whiskey Ritual recorded six tracks to be released in March. The EP will be called STILL SCUM and stand as a tribute to all those songs, that brought the Italians to where they are.
Never conform, always against the grain. A matter of attitude.

Stay tuned for more info in February!

Jan. 10, 2025

DE TYFUS DE TEERLING by Grafjammer is officially released as of TODAY!
Nine hart-hitting tracks in which the Dutch delve even deeper than before into the dark underbelly of society and Dutch history - fast, raw, dirty and intoxicating!

Get your copy and listen to primitive Dutch Necrorock all day:

Experience the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Jan. 9, 2025

The full album DE TYFUS DE TEERLING by Dutch Necro-rockers Grafjammer will be released tomorrow, but already TODAY, you can listen to the nine hard-hitting tracks that tell of religions madness, self-deception and destruction on the Folter Records Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/IqdX0T_HiaU

Order your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus-De...

Video made by:
Temira De Temirin / Temira@XificurK.com

Feb. 6, 2025

"The Empire of Gloom", the title track from the upcoming debut album by Frankfurt's Black/Death Metal duo Mellom encapsulates what the band's music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade.

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Directly to the "The Empire of Gloom" single-video by Marcus Bachmann:

Feb. 5, 2025

Want to experience the live assault of VIOLENTOR with their lastest release BURN IN METAL?
Check out the upcoming dates for South America!
06.02 Formosa Argentina
07.02 Asuncion Paraguay

Wanna get your hands on the BURN IN METAL on CD? Order right here:

Feb. 4, 2025

"Was ist meine letzte Aufnahme? GRAVEYARD PLANET ist eine solide Rückkehr für Darkmoon Warrior . Das Album ist nicht hier, um das Rad neu zu erfinden. Es ist hier, um es in Kerosin zu übergießen, es in Brand zu setzen und es durch deinen Hinterhof zu rollen. Es erfindet ihren Klang nicht neu, und versucht es auch nicht. Aber indem sie an ihre Formel festhält, ohne ihre Kanten zu polieren, liefert die Band ein Album, das aggressiv, un entschuldigt und manchmal sogar zum Nachdenken anregt [.... ). "
Danke für die Bewertung, MetalBite !!

Hol dir alle Darkmoon Warrior Platten und Merch gleich hier: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=darkmoon+warrior

Höre dir GRAVEYARD PLANET in seiner vollen Pracht an auf dem Black Metal Promotion Youtube Kanal:

Lesen Sie die vollständige Bewertung gleich hier: https://metalbite.com/.../darkmoon-warrior-graveyard-planet

Feb. 3, 2025

Due to an emergency with her cat Milo, the Blood Art calendars by Lense of Sense got a discount!
If you missed out on this, here's your chance to get your own and support a young artist:

DIN A4 / 14 sheets / printed on 250 g/m² matte high quality paper
All original artworks of the woodcuts were painted with own blood on Kahari paper, 30 g/m².

Feb. 2, 2025

"While exploring broad interest in past and present generations of black metal they’ve found distinction that benefits from classic metalpunk excess as much as it speaks today’s unflinchingly melodic triomphe. Having been a fan of the two previous albums I’d found this record more abrasive and melodic up front but equally representative overall, suggesting that even without so much consideration for a variety of sub-genre tics and inspirations many of these songs stand tall in their own right. A moderately high recommendation."
Thanks for reviewing DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING by Grafjammer go out to Mystification Zine - ex-Grizzly Butts!

Get your Dutch Necrorock dose on DigiCD directly at: http://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus-De.../SW10028

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

And don't forget to read the full review right here:

Feb. 1, 2025

After leaving Rostock in ruins in November, Unhallowed are coming to ORWOhaus Berlin on 14th of March!
Check out the official FB-event for tickets and more info:

Need to catch up on their incredible debut album AWAKEN THE BLACK FLAME? Get your copy right here:

Listen to the full album at the Black Metal Promotion Youtube channel:

Jan. 31, 2025

"The Last Dance" was the first single from Frankfurt’s Black/Death Metal duo Mellom you could listen to on the Folter Records Youtube-channel. Their debut album THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM will be released in only two weeks!

Preorder your DigiCD here: https://folter666shop.de/MELLOM-Ger-The-Empire-Of.../SW10041

Directly to The Last Dance: https://youtu.be/b0ZJBLgcJ9s

Video by Jonas Sommer

Jan. 30, 2025

Here is the line-up of the upcoming album GRUWELIJK ONTHAAL by KÆCK black war metal!!
Seems to be a good year for new records. What do you think?

Make sure to get their last album HET ZWARTE DICTAAT: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Het+zwarte

You can listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube-channel:

Jan. 29, 2025

"After all, Darkmoon Warrior have always been like this and the conclusive “Sadomajestic Hatefukk”, a quick summary of their way of understanding and playing Black Metal and an excellent epitome of the album, is there to prove it."
Thanks for the great review of GRAVEYARD PLANET go out to Blackmetalistkrieg Webzine!

To get your hands on the Germans' latest album, check out the link below:

Listen to the full album at the Black Metal Promotion-Youtube channel:

Read the full review (in Italian) here:

Jan. 28, 2025

Half of the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES tour of Halphas and Nornír is over, but there are still possibilities to see it! Make sure not to miss out on this one and check out the upcoming dates in the pic!
Today: Musigburg/Aarburg!

Get all your Halphas records and merch directl at the shows or right here:

Jan. 27, 2025

"Grafjammer have released a really strong album right at the start of the year. DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING impresses with its succinct dynamics and is a really raucous and unpolished BM album. I can only give an unreserved buying recommendation for DE TYFUS DE TEERLING!"
Thanks for the great review, Seelenfeuer BM Online Zine!

Get your own copy of the Dutch Necrorocker's brand new album: https://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus.../SW10028

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Read the full review right here: https://seelenfeuer666.wordpress.com/.../rezension.../

Jan. 26, 2025

Last November, we released a true underground gem of Norwegian Black Metal!
Check out the split of Liktjern and Engangshammer on our Youtube channel here:

Order your own copy right now: https://folter666shop.de/LIKTJERN-Nor-ENGANGSHAMMER.../6561

Jan. 25, 2025

As you already heard "The Last Dance" and the title track "The Empire of Gloom" from the upcoming debut by Frankfurt's duo Mellom, you can now take a look at the full tracklist!
You can look forward to 9 tracks of Black/Death Metal, dealing with powerlessness and despair in the face of the inevitable confrontation with loss and death!

The full album is going to be released on February 13th! Preorder your DigiCD right here:

Listen to the "The Last Dance" single:

Listen to the "The Empire of Gloom" single:

Jan. 24, 2025

As some of you noticed, the last upload of the single "The Empire of Gloom" had really flawed audio. To make sure you don't miss out on the full experience, here's the reupload with the full quality:

"This song encapsulates what Mellom’s music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade."

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Video by Marcus Bachmann

Jan. 24, 2025

Yesterday, Halphas and Nornír started their NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES-tour at Soltmann in Leipzig.
Next up: Suhl!
Check out all the dates of the tour to find the one closest to you!

Need Halphas records and merch? Get it at the concerts or directly here:

Jan. 23, 2025

"Extreme, offensive, disturbing, both musically and lyrically, VIOLENTOR are back with their new (and sixth) album, BURN IN METAL [...]
Without compromise. And as already reiterated, extreme and unhealthy."
Thanks for the review go out to Metal It - www.metal.it!!!

Celebrate 20 years in Metal and order the Italian speed metal assault directly:

Read the full review (in Italian) here: https://metal.it/alb.../52184/31755/violentor-burn-in-metal/

Jan. 22, 2025

Tomorrow, the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES with Halphas and Nornír starts at Soltmann in Leipzig!
Check out all the tour stops in the picture to find your ritual!

Fulfill all your needs when it comes to Halphas records and merch:

Jan. 21, 2025

Dutch Necrorockers Grafjammer are coming to spread havok at Diabolical Echoes Pt.III in Arnhem on 10th of May 2025!!
For tickets and more info, head over to the official FB-event: https://fb.me/e/7SFdLGp7k

Get your hands on their incredible fourth album DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING and dive into nine tracks that tell of religious madness, self-deception and destruction! Order right here:

Jan. 20, 2025

New Finnish VINYL arrivals at the Folter Records shop!!


KORGONTHURUS (Fin) - Jumalhaaska, 2GFLP

KORGONTHURUS (Fin) - Kuolleestasyntynyt, LP

Get those and many more records, tickets and merch at folter666shop.de!

Jan. 19, 2025

Today, you can listen to the title track of the debut album, THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, which delves into Mellom's core themes.
Head over to the Folter Records Youtube-channel and enjoy Black-Death-Metal at it's finest:

"This song encapsulates what Mellom’s music is all about: the fear of losing a loved one, the inevitable pain that follows, and the overwhelming challenge of coping with it. It’s a struggle you cannot evade."

Enter a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain!
Get your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/search?search=mellom

Video by Marcus Bachmann

Jan. 18, 2025

As you cannot see Darkmoon Warrior at Orwohaus in March, here is another chance!
On 15th of March, the three-headed menace from Eberswalde is coming to Unholy Metal Mayhem Festival 2025 at Helvete Pub - Club - Live Stage in Oberhausen!!
Check out the official FB-event for tickets and more info: https://fb.me/e/7yDxksVCt

Wanna get your hands on GRAVEYARD PLANET and all the other Darkmoon Warrior records and merch?
Head over to https://folter666shop.de/search?search=Darkmoon+Warrior

Jan. 17, 2025

"Pieces that are one dynamite after another, one blow after another, a voice that comes out of hell and that recalls legends like Cronos, Lemmy, Tom Angelripper and so on. An album that will scare away those who expect perfect phrasing and the latest guitars from metal."
Thanks Rock and Blood Zine for reviewing BURN IN METAL by VIOLENTOR!!

Celebrate extreme metal in the vein of the 80-86 years! get your copy directly at

Listen to the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Don't forget to read the full review here:

Jan. 16, 2025

Only ONE WEEK left, until the NOCTURNAL WINTER RITES with Halphas and Nornír starts at Soltmann in Leipzig!
Check out all the tour stops in the picture to find your ritual!

Fulfill all your needs when it comes to Halphas records and merch:

Jan. 15, 2025

"Undeniably Grafjammer, but more theatrical and diverse than ever before. Honestly, who doesn’t want that! The Necrorock hit machine returns with DE TYFUS, DE TEERLING, easily their best record to date, a killer slab of Dutch Black Metal."
Thanks for the review, The Whispering Darkness - Tales from the Underground!!

Like it fast, raw, dirty and intoxicating? Get your DigiCD right here:

Read the full review right here:

Jan. 14, 2025

Drudensang is going to bring the Krampen to Ghosts of dinmin festival 2025 in Demmin!! You can expect a lot, as this one is organized by our friends of Kältetod Legion!

Presale seems to be running quick, so get one of the 250 tickets and more info at the official FB- event: https://fb.me/e/5xprlziKQ

Need all the records and merch of Drudensang? Order right here:

Jan. 13, 2025

Immerse yourself in Mellom's THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, a realm with the attraction of a dark magnetism that is simultaneously filled with cold, fear and pain.
The duo from Frankfurt am Main whose atmospheric, darkly melodic compositions combine death metal - sometimes heavy grooving, sometimes fast-paced and driven by powerful drums - with elements of black metal, tragedy and urban melancholy. Everything is crowned by the expressive vocals of singer Skadi, varying between venomous black metal screams and growls.

Check out the first single from THE EMPIRE OF GLOOM, "The Last Dance", on our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0ZJBLgcJ9s

Like what you hear? Preorder your DigiCD right here:

Jan. 12, 2025

"In short, an album recommended to those who want substance, authenticity, extremism in every sense from metal. If you are looking for all this, go ahead and buy this BURN IN METAL."
Thanks go out to HARDHEAVYCORE webzine for reviewing the brand new album by VIOLENTOR!

To join the celebrations of 20 Years in Metal with the raw assault of the Italian Trio, get your copy right here:

Read the full review (in Italian) directly at https://hardheavycore.blogspot.com/.../violentor-burn-in...

Jan. 11, 2025

Great news for all the Black Metal Ultras out there!

The maniacs of Whiskey Ritual recorded six tracks to be released in March. The EP will be called STILL SCUM and stand as a tribute to all those songs, that brought the Italians to where they are.
Never conform, always against the grain. A matter of attitude.

Stay tuned for more info in February!

Jan. 10, 2025

DE TYFUS DE TEERLING by Grafjammer is officially released as of TODAY!
Nine hart-hitting tracks in which the Dutch delve even deeper than before into the dark underbelly of society and Dutch history - fast, raw, dirty and intoxicating!

Get your copy and listen to primitive Dutch Necrorock all day:

Experience the full album at the Folter Records Youtube channel:

Jan. 9, 2025

The full album DE TYFUS DE TEERLING by Dutch Necro-rockers Grafjammer will be released tomorrow, but already TODAY, you can listen to the nine hard-hitting tracks that tell of religions madness, self-deception and destruction on the Folter Records Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/IqdX0T_HiaU

Order your DigiCD right here: https://folter666shop.de/GRAFJAMMER-NL-De-Tyfus-De...

Video made by:
Temira De Temirin / Temira@XificurK.com